Kansaï Airport (Japan)

Advice on opening routes dedicated to low-cost airlines:
- Market survey of Japanese airports (destinations, passenger profiles, low-cost market, etc.)
- Research into long-range opportunities thanks to latest-generation NEO and MAX aircraft
- Identifying 30 high-potential destinations according to specific criteria (growth in demand, direct and indirect competition, seasonal variations, leakage, etc.)
- Honing down the number of destinations to 10 (in light of specific criteria)
Since 2013
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport

Implementing a yield strategy tailored to the car parks at Nice Airport:
- Introducing seasonal price modulation
- Advice on developing price management tools
- Defining budgets
- Setting up Yield Management methods and procedures
Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées Airport

Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées Airport asked Aérogestion to assess the economic and commercial conditions for operating the Tarbes–Paris route:
- Constructing a Business Plan
- Analysing scope for modifications to Public Service Obligation contracts
- Examining a list of potential operators
Since 2005
Marseille Provence Airport

- Prospective studies, route studies
- Assessing two projects for long-haul routes departing from Marseille Provence Airport
2004 - 2006
Nantes Atlantique Airport

Révision du projet de desserte Nantes – Madrid par Iberia (1er vol inauguré en février 2006)
Évaluation de la rentabilité prévisionnelle d’un projet de desserte Nantes – Munich par Lufthansa